Sunday, July 09, 2006

Our last stop in Nepal was the 'last resort'. 15 km from the Tibetan border in the beautiful country of the himalayan foothills it is famed for being the home of the third highest bungey jump in the world.

Well it had to be done, didn't it.

Bungey jumping is something that I have always said I would never do. My stock argument being that the cost/time ratio was too high, but in this location, at this cost and at this height it was too hard to say no.

I can now honestly say that jumping off a 500ft bridge is about the stupidest thing I have ever done (and it is up against some pretty stiff competition there). Oddly, that is pretty much the thought that went through my head just after I jumped. That of course being just a little too late to reconsider. I would like to say that having done it I would never do it again, but sadly it is a little too late for that too. Stupid? Me?

Having been through this now, I am having trouble making sense of the psychology of it. To jump off a bridge into free air and rush headlong towards the ground requires you to override some pretty fundamental survival behaviours and that is a pretty wierd feeling. I think also that at some level it is not possible for your brain to comprehend what you have just done and it would surprise me little to learn that that is reason some people keep going back.

Having now done this twice I think I will not be one of those people, but it has to be said, WHAT A RUSH!


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